- According to Cassuto, the Genesis 2-3 author appears to have taken material from the creation saga & extra-biblical Garden of Eden accounts.
- The author rejected and nullified by silence or by critical remarks that which was considered objectionable in the material of the time.
Ezekiel 28 compares the King of Tire to to a cherub from the Garden of Eden. Ezekiel refers to an older, already known epic -- apparently a cherub or one of the cherubim (plural for cherub) who dwelt in the Garden of Eden on the top of the mountain of God (which was as high as the the heavens). The cherub sinned in his pride and was punished by being driven from the garden and cast to earth. This may be related to stories of angels being cast down to the earth elsewhere.
- Similarities between Ezekiel and Genesis stories of the Garden of Eden
- Garden is in Eden
- Miraculous trees
- cherub associated with the garden
- a creature dwells in garden (man in Genesis, cherub in Ezekiel)
- Creature sins and is expelled
- Similar phrases
- "on the day when you were created" (Ezekiel) / "from the day you were created" (Genesis)
- "when they were created" / "In the day that the Lord God made .. in the day when they were created"
- "In the midst of the stones of fire (of the garden of Eden) you walked"/ "walking in the garden"
- "I turned you to ashes (Hebrew epher) upon the earth" / "for you are dust (Hebrew aphar) and to dust you shall return
- Differences between Ezekiel and Genesis stories of the Garden of Eden
- Garden of God (Ezekiel) vs Garden for Man (Genesis)
- Garden on Sacred Mountain (Ezekiel). Genesis implies rivers flow from the garden, so garden must be up high
- Precious stones & gold in the garden (Ezekiel) and as a covering for the cherub vs gold and soham out of the garden in the Land of Havilah (Genesis 2:11-12)
- Stones of fire (similar to stones of lightening in Ugaritic & Akkadian texts) vs the Cherubim & a flaming sword in Genesis
- Cherub inhabits & is cast out of garden (Ezekiel) vs man inhabiting and being cast out of the garden (Genesis)
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