Friday, March 26, 2010

[OT] Chiastic Structure of Genesis 2 & 3 (Garden of Eden)

Garden of Eden, Gen ch 2-3

A -"These are the generations"
-B -No field economy "no one to till the ground"
--C -Human beings given life, installed in Garden
---D -Man prefers human companionship over beasts
----E -Man calls his companion "Woman"
-----F -Etiological summary: "Therefore a man leaves.."
-------G -Human couple "naked ... and not ashamed"
---------H -Serpent promises "eyes will be opened"
----------X -Transgression
---------H' The couple's "eyes are opened"
------G' They experience shame
-----F' Etiological summary: "For .. you are dust .."
----E' Man calls his companion "Eve" (life bearer)
---D' Man and woman wear skins of beasts
--C' Humans expelled from Garden, denied immortality
-B' Field economy begins
A' Birth of a child completes one generation

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