Sunday, March 7, 2010

[OT] The story of Abraham

The story of Abraham is interesting.  If you've read through it, you may have noticed some of the stories repeat themselves.  For example, there are two incidents where a king want's Sarah to be his wive, so Abraham tells the king Sarah is his sister. (Gen 12:10-20; Gen 20:1-18)

These parallel stories are arranged in a chiastic format -- essentially like an elaborate sandwich with bread, mayo, mustard, lettus, cheeze and meat; followed by the same ingredients in reverse order.  The meat lies at the center of the inverted parallel structure.

Understanding this can bring a seemingly random collection of stories to life.  Comparing and contrasting the parallels often lead to further insight.

At the center of the Abraham chiasmus is the focal point -- Abraham's covenant with God.  Below is the chiastic structure of Abraham.  Note that C' and D' seem to be out of order. 

Gen 11:21-22:19
A Display of faith: Abram leaves his homeland; the first promise 11:31–12:3
   B Abram sojourns in Canaan 12:4-9
       C The stay in Egypt; Abram passes Sarai off as his sister 12:10-20
           D The separation of Abram, who has the promise, from Lot, who does not have the promise 13:1-18
               E The rescue of Lot 14:1-24
                   F Abram's fears of infertility are allayed by the promise of a son; God makes a covenant 15:1-21
                       G Sarai's attempt to get a son: Ishmael 16:1-16
                           X THE COVENANT; Abram's new name, etc. 17:1-10
                       G´ Circumcision; the rejection of Ishmael and the promise of a son through Sarah 17:9-27
                   F´ Sarah is told of the promise of a son, despite her fears of infertility 18:1-15
               E´ The rescue of Lot 18:16–19:38
        The stay in Gerar; Abraham passes Sarah off as his sister 20:1-18
           D´ The birth of Isaac; the separation of Isaac, the child of the promise, from Ishmael, the child outside the promise 21:1-21
   B´ Abraham sojourns among the Philistines 21:22-34
A´ Display of faith: Abraham is willing to sacrifice Isaac; the final promise 22:1-19

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