Sunday, March 21, 2010

[OT] Seven in Genesis 1

Occurrences of words in multiples of 7 in Genesis 1

Seven is an important number of perfection [Umberto Cassuto 12] in Hebrew thought.  Seven (and other numbers such as 3, 12, 50, 70) figures prominently in other middle-eastern cultures (for example the Sumerians had seven "fate-decreeing" gods, and fifty "great" gods []).  Seven is used extensively in Genesis 1 and elsewhere in the Old Testament. 

  • Each of the three nouns in the introductory sentence (which express the basic concept of this chapter) are repeated in multiples of 7 [Umberto Cassuto 14-15]

    • "God" (Hebrew "Elohim"): 35 times (i.e. 7 X 5)

    • "Earth": 21 (7 X 3)

    • "Heavens" or "Firmament": 21

  • Seven "Let there" or "Let the" ...

  • Seven Days (of course)

  • "Light" and "Day": 7 times in 1st paragraph

  • "Light": 7 times in 4th paragraph.  (Remember 1st & 4th paragraphs have a parallel relationship)

  • "Water": 7 times in 2nd & 3rd paragraph

  • "hayya" (rendered "living" or "beasts" in English): 7 times in 5th & 6th paragraph

  • "it was good": 7 times with the 7th occurrence "very good"

  • 1st verse has 7 words (in Hebrew)

  • 2nd verse has 14 words (in Hebrew)

  • 7th paragraph has 35 words (in Hebrew, 5 X 7)

  • The 7th paragraph, dealing with the 7th day has these three (three was a common form of emphasis) consecutive sentences

    • And on the           Seventh day, God finished His work which He had done

    • and He rested on the Seventh day      from all His work which He had done

    • So God blessed the   Seventh day and hallowed it.

  • There are many instances of the phenomena occurring beyond the 1st chapter, for example, there are 70 nations mentioned in chapter 10

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